Error: Too Much Recursion

long story short, chrome will make this easier, but chrome was broken on my machine.
Turns out sed pulled through nicely for front-end troubleshoting.

The trouble boils down to firefox. This came up for me when I forgot to comment out a call during some refactoring.

Firefox’s problem

if you want the error, run this mess of code in firefox:

larry = function(issue){ curly(issue) }
curly = function(issue){ moe(issue) }
moe   = function(issue){ larry(issue) }
tom   = function(issue){ moe(issue) }
dick  = function(issue){ manager(issue) }
harry = function(issue){ john(issue) }
bob   = function(issue){ harry(issue) }
john  = function(issue){ dick(issue) }
manager = function(issue){
  console.log('resolved issue')

bob('new issue')
moe('another new issue')
tooooo much recursion
thanks firefox

right about now you might want to start setting breakpoints, but hold tight.

you sed fix it?

use sed to make a slapdash call stack:

#!/bin/sed -si -rf
# call me with ./*.js

# scope things -- mostly for readability

  # for declarations
  /^ *function/{
    s/^ *function ([[:alpha:]]+) ?\(.*$/&\n\1/

  # for expressions
  /= *function/{
    s/^ *(var )?([^ ]*) =.*$/&\n\2/

  s|^([^\n]*)\n(.*)$|\1\nconsole.log('\2')// fakeCallStack|


or a simpler one-liner:

 sed -rsi '/= *function/{ s/^ *(var )?([^ ]*) =.*$/&\nconsole.log("\2")/ }' ./*.js

and your functions start logging themselves!

larry = function(issue){
console.log('larry')// fakeCallStack
  curly(issue) }

fire it up in your browser and logs will go flying by:

tooo much looog

the culprits. Now you’re shooting fish in a barrel.

Search for the functions in your ide of choice or grep -Hnr '<your function name>' ./

chrome gets it right

Chrome logs the call stack for you.

so nice

problem miraculously solved!

but not that miraculous…